It is a command of an expression of the anger and importence of the state of things, which I think most of us feel all the time. For what should you do? It is far out. A riot plate. It is shivering and screaming fast and at the same time super precise. At times it is sluggish and silly, but still super precise. According to Goodie, the music on the record is not Coda-reviewed and therefore free for everyone to use. It started with a Facebook post and a download link for an HD version of all the music on Wetransfer and an invitation to use it, publish it as you would. Then came on Spotify. Later, it became a physical record and is now available for various streaming and download services. Tour: Goodiepal & pals is a refugee organisation disguised as a contemporary Tek-Rock-Band – conducted by Faroese / European-master trickster: The Goodiepal. All the money that band makes goes straight, to stranded refugees – on the outskirts of the European borders. The following link is a GP & PLS recording made in Serbia. About a number of letters from children to refugees and the answers.
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